At Coaching Works, we recognise that developing and supporting a business' key asset, its people, is an investment that returns significant value. We call it 'Wellbeing Consultancy'.
Here are five areas where our support will bring improvement in your business' performance as a direct result of optimised staff wellbeing:
We create a wellbeing strategy for your business to ensure you are providing optimal support to your team, helping them operate from the best possible mental and physical health place.
Stress, depression or anxiety and musculoskeletal disorders accounted for the majority of days lost due to work-related ill health in 2022/23, 17.1 million and 6.6 million respectively.
On average, each person suffering took around 15.8 days off work. This varies as follows:
(HSE, 2022/23)
Excerpt from Forbes magazine by Kara Dennison, Jul 2022:
'Among many factors precipitating The Great Resignation, fatigue and lack of support are the most significant. A recent Deloitte survey revealed that almost 70% of executives are considering leaving their jobs for workplaces that care more for their well-being. According to the same study, 57% of employees outside of management roles want to quit for similar reasons.'
Investment by forward-thinking firms who value the talent they have on board is ensuring your staff have the coaching and mentoring support, training and personal supervision they need to offer their optimal performance.
So, picture an Executive Services provider, that can offer your company expert and proven support with all of the following:
Coaching Works has trained, qualified and experienced Executive Coaches, Counsellors, Specialist Therapists and Supervisors within its team to be your right-hand support for all personnel growth and wellbeing support, all year round.
We pride ourselves on our professional, confidential and comprehensive support we offer to our clients.
Contact us today to learn how we can help your business succeed in this area of staff development and support.
We promise to respond quickly to all enquiries.
We offer a free 30-minute session for those seeking coaching for their staff, team or themselves.
The purpose of this initial session is to get to know you, to understand what you would like to achieve through coaching, how we might work best together, and a structure for our sessions. All with no obligation and no pressure.